The theme from these YouTube videos was the ever growing, and changing internet. From where it started in a ratty little dorm room with two socially inept geeks, to where it is today with all the browsing, computing and organizing power it has.
This video brought us way back to when the world wide web was as mass of links that was hardly organized and definitely not efficient. It was a maze of links that would hopefully lead you to the information you were looking for if you searched long enough. Then came along two college twenty-somethings, who started to dip their toes into the realm of organizing links on the World Wide Web. It started these men were just trying to navigate basketball stats so they could do well at Fantasy Basketball. This lead to a crude directory of related links. Which, surprisingly, picked up steam even though it was very raw and underdeveloped. But it was the first of its kind! Eventually their little site we've all come to know as Yahoo, hit off and began the race for efficiency using the internet. Eventually as their site grew they became the first to introduce bar-ads to their site. This was a controversial topic with huge possibility of backlash from the public. Yahoo, however, threw it all on the table and started showing bar-ads on their site. The public continued to visit and their user population continued to grow. One of Yahoo's biggest rivals was Excite. A company who's goal was to ultimately the same, allow viewers to traverse the internet efficiently and effectively. The biggest difference being that Excite used pure software to sort links. Yahoo and Excite fought a good fight until the big guns came out, Google. Google was a little company started by some young awkward geeks, but their advantage being they learned from their predecessors. Google introduced a before unheard of concept counting links. This seems so simple, but in the end is what made them the site to be. They found the most relevant sites by counting the links to that site. This allowed them to find the most helpful and relevant sites for the users. Google then took Keywords, the word you type into the search bar, and used it to be profitable. They started allowing companies to pay for their link or site to be under certain keywords. This creating even more depth to the widely chaos of the internet.
This video really just raised the question of what did a world without the internet look like and what will our world in the future look like as the internet and our technology advances?
This second video was about the power struggle between Bill Gates and Microsoft. They like the other internet corralling businesses popped up out of no where and became something out of nothing. Slowly gaining speed like a snowball rolling down a hill, they started to gain support and started making money thanks to the people who put their money and trust in them during their beginning days. As the fight for supremacy continued these sites became hungry for the newest and best features and formatting to create the best and ideal site for users. Eventually Bill Gates made a mistake and took a concept from NetScape, and there was retaliation. NetScape started using the feature that we all have come to know as normal, ad bars. When you search something on the internet you see a bar across the side with links to different businesses products. Gates decided to use this on his site which crossed a line. This was taken to court and the companies settled. This brought to light the idea of ethics and order on the internet. This was just another story of the advances of the internet and push for more from this huge realm of opportunities that the internet brings.
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