After tracking my use of emerging media for a week, the results were eye opening. Through this exercise I found that I used some form of emerging media almost throughout my entire day. These new and upcoming forms of communication are all around us and are constantly in use. I found that many of my classes involved me being interactive with these platforms. I started to see patterns of my use of emerging media and found that there wasn't many breaks in my day in which I wasn't using or exposed to it. On average I would say that over 80% of my day involved emerging media in some way. Whether it was checking/using my email for class and personal work, checking several forms of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest etc.), or even listening to music through my computer or radio. There are so many forms of emerging media that I don't think it would be beneficial for me to list them all in this blog post. However I do feel its beneficial to list the ones that most surprised me or that I hadn't noticed before this assignment.
I found it interesting realizing how many things are considered emerging media and just how easily accessible they are. I also noticed just how much of my day is consumed by emerging media. From listening to music on my computer to help me focus, to looking into and keeping up with social media while just waiting in line at the coffee shop. Now a days, there's not a lot of time that we take to just sit and be in the world around us. Rather we are finding time and ways to constantly stay connected and interact with the technology we have such easy access to. I also noticed how most days the first thing I do and the last thing I do is use emerging media. Normally its checking my phone and social media in the morning and watching an episode on Netflix at night or scrolling through social media till I fall asleep.
Here's a thought, what would happen if we didn't use any form of emerging media for a whole day? Could we keep up with life and feel connected to those around us, if we didn't have eight different forms of technological communication to use to stay caught up?
I don't think that this is possible in my life just noticing how much I even use emerging media for classes and work. Heck, I'm using it right now to make this post! I don't think there's anyway to really get away from emerging media in the world we live in today. But being aware of its presence in our world and knowing how to most effectively apply these technologies in our lives can make sure we are using our time and technology wisely.
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